Tag Archives: Commerce Oklahoma

The Solitary Dog Whisperer: EPTOM ~ Picher, Cardin and Commerce, OK

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follow site When grappling for a descriptive term to help you understand where we were, “as the crow flies” came to mind.

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go to site Approximately three to five miles southwest of Picher, OK, as the crow flies, we met Sherry Pierce.  To reach her, we crossed a cattle guard and ambled across the  gravel property entrance. She was attending to trash burning in a barrel at one of two trailers in a desolate setting, her dog skipping around at her side.


https://geolatinas.org/0y3stlj Sherry looked minutia-like against the vast gray sky, the empty acreage, vacant cattle trailers and the capable farm equipment scattered close by. Chat piles broke up the landscape to her north and east.  As we drove up, rolled down the window, and explained our project she didn’t blink.  An inner peace and easiness about her permeated our conversation.

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Sherry Pierce of Picher, OK – photos by Rachel J Apple.

Order Tramadol Online Uk After eight years of commuting to Joplin to care for animals every day, and helping her uncle and grandfather during nights and weekends, Sherry no longer lives at this location.  Her grandfather has passed away; her reason for being there is gone, and she – along with her dog named Red Solo Cup – are now somewhere to the north and east a hundred miles. As the crow flies.


https://purestpotential.com/6b0p88vmv4s The animals who meet you are lucky, Sherry.  You “fall in love with them.” You see the souls in their eyes.


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