Tag Archives: Andy Barth

On the Horizon: Crime and Punishment



Order 180 Tramadol Cod We see it constantly on the nightly news. People are imprisoned for drug and alcohol abuse by the hundreds. New DUI ads are created every few months to crack down on drunk drivers. Our prison system is full of people who have messed up and turned down the wrong path. While numerous offenders will repeat their illegal actions, many others may be able to be treated and set back on the right path in society. But as most laws stand, once convicted offenders do not stand a chance. This growing trend across the country has law makers thinking twice about how to handle nonviolent cases.


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On The Horizon: Flying Back in Time


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https://purestpotential.com/ji0t78ychvj Ever since I was little I always remember looking high in the sky in search of airplanes. They fascinated me. They are so big, yet seem light as a feather. When I got the opportunity to get on an airplane for the first time as a 6 year-old, I was ecstatic. I have flown on countless planes since then and still marvel at their abilities in the air.


http://www.mscnantes.org/jvkoqrt6t92 As we continue to advance in today’s world it is important to look back and recognize how we got where we are today. In this week’s video blog, we travel to Oolagah, OK, where TV sensation and All-American hero, Will Rogers, was born. We take a look at the 76th Annual Will Rogers Fly-in, an event held in honor of Rogers and Wiley Post – two men responsible for so much in the aviation industry.
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On the Horizon: The Long Haul

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Cheap Tramadol Cod We all encounter them at some point in our lives. Whether we are on the interstate or driving downtown, truck drivers fill the roads as they trek across the nation making their vital deliveries. Some of us are scared of them, while others yell at them through our windshields. Regardless, these dedicated long-haulers are responsible for keeping this country running – and they do it every day.

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https://guelph-real-estate.ca/9o0hc2v2r6 In this week’s video blog, we take a look inside a classroom that trains these warriors of the road. From maneuvering around cones to parallel parking a trailer, there is no room for error. Watch as they learn the basics and the advanced parts of driving truck.

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On the Horizon: Financially Strong


Tramadol Purchase Canada The U.S. economy is on the minds of many Americans and is it is not a positive thought to most. From unemployment to a failing stock market, people are unsure of their future. What lies ahead? What about my children? What about my retirement?

Order 180 Tramadol Cod For those living in Oklahoma there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is a bright one. The market crash did not hit the state nearly as hard as the rest of the nation and jobs are springing up all over. In this week’s video blog see how from aerospace and energy to small business the economy in Oklahoma is on the up and up.

see enter site ~Andy Barth


On the Horizon: Boo!


https://www.elevators.com/5wm5p6i We all remember those spooky stories by the camp fire and when grandpa would tell us ghost stories right before we went to bed. But what happens when those ghost stories come to life?

https://penielenv.com/g7je1hoe In today’s video blog we take you to a business in North Central Oklahoma where the past life is still present. From creaky doors to items flying off shelves, the paranormal takes spooky to whole new level. Turning skeptics (me) into believers, and believers running for their lives.

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