Tag Archives: Andy Barth

On the Horizon: What goes up must come down – right?

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https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/qz9ligu When it comes to heights, I’m one of the biggest scaredy-cats out there. I don’t do roller coasters and I definitely don’t like to climb really high things. But, like with everything in life, the day came where I had to conquer this fear.


https://www.elevators.com/ta7jooxaelk Living in one of the windiest states in America it’s no surprise to see wind towers going up faster than gas prices. But I never knew what it takes to maintain them once they are installed – both from a knowledge and physical standpoint. Thanks to my job, I got an inside look at the training process and tried not to look too much like wimp.

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follow link In this week’s video blog, we go up inside a wind machine and take a look at the rescue training process turbine workers must go through before heading out into the field. Buying Tramadol Uk Andy Barth https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/ktsf2vbs


On the Horizon: Manufacturing Empire



source site A successful family business is one of the reasons our country is so great. The satisfaction of knowing you built something from the ground up with your family and it is thriving and creating jobs is quite the accomplishment. I grew up in a three-generation auction company. It was amazing to be a part of something that had a great deal of meaning and purpose with my family’s name on it.

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https://penielenv.com/tzkeyqcns8o In today’s video blog, we take a look at a family that has built an exporting empire in southern Oklahoma and now employs much of the community. https://www.mbtn.net/?p=byju93ib By Andy Barth enter


On the Horizon: Diverse Learning


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https://www.yolascafe.com/0mzhsl154a I grew up in a very productive agricultural area. Because of that we had a large population of migrant workers. My hometown is predominantly Hispanic as a result. Although this has been the norm for years, there is still a big language gap. Looking back, I wish I would have learned Spanish at a much younger age.


https://www.mreavoice.org/xe31ol8tr In today’s video blog, we take a look at a school that teaches its students both Spanish and English and the importance of diversity. Andy Barth


On the Horizon: Einstein for a Day



https://purestpotential.com/mfyyb7b9p7 As the world progresses and things become even more technical, it is vital for our youth to be well versed, not only with computers, but in sciences. They will be looking for jobs where skills in science, technology, engineering and math are necessary. I was not the best in those subjects so I focused on English. But it’s now at a point where these subject areas are no longer an option.


Tramadol Online Usa In today’s video blog, we take a look at an organization that leads students through the STEM fields in an interactive, hands-on approach.
Andy Barth


On the Horizon: Can we move forward?

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follow url This past summer, I was able to drive through the Midwest and was shocked and saddened by the vast amounts of corn, soybean and wheat fields that were already dried out in early summer from no rain. Having experienced the severe drought the previous year, I knew what farmers and ranchers were going through. I spoke with one gentleman in Illinois who was feeding his cattle in a feedlot because there wasn’t enough grass to last the summer.


https://mocicc.org/agricultura/fnhmq22 This story is the same for most producers up and down the Midwest. Now that the election is over, agriculturalists hope lawmakers will begin focusing on issues facing their industry. The big two are the drought and the lack of a new farm bill.


enter In this week’s video blog, we take a look at those two topics and how farm broadcasters feel about them and what they are doing to speak up for agriculture.
Andy Barth
