On the Horizon: Cyberbullying

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Tramadol Using Mastercard Social media is a prevalent part of most young people’s lives. It’s a great way to keep in touch with friends, find out what’s going on with each other, and have a social time online. But a disturbing trend is quickly emerging…. Cyberbullying.

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Tramadol Visa Like school bullying, victims are targeted by one or more people and instead of doing the bullying in person, they are using digital resources to attack their victim. It can range anywhere from name calling to posting pornographic images on their social media sites. It’s not a game and it’s not to be taken lightly. And as we found out in this week’s video blog, it’s not always done by someone’s enemy. https://www.mbtn.net/?p=pcrzq6d https://geolatinas.org/p8n3rkld ~Alisa Hines

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